Saturday, May 14, 2011

Keep calm and keep walking.

People can be so horrible and mean (and some petty and slimy). People are horrible and mean. Its just an issue of trying to not make them my problem. When the line of indifference is crossed though, I get by with good old music and an attempt at reasoning it out in my head.  Because sometimes not caring is the hardest thing to do. When you have been exposed and familiar to it. Apathy comes as a challenge only. 

So I was thinking, what if you could acknowledge and let live only the people who matter to you. Then the emotional and social baggage put upon you by those around you because of ‘people who suck’ would be removed and you would have more room for yourself and blah blah blah… until my daydreaming got a slap in its face when I came to the realization that every person would have a connection to another, ergo no one would actually cease to exist. So much for coming up with my own theory of an ideal world – it is still the world as it is. 

So I’m really better off with not caring and it is feasible too. Not caring would also mean the adamant refusal to admit the slightest possibility of being affected by, as I have said earlier, ‘people who suck’. In another sense, they don’t exist. Well, figuratively. At least. 

Anyway, I think I have this attention problem. I can never concentrate on one thing for long or at a time. If I had not re-read what I just wrote down I would have already moved on to another topic here. Some moments ago, I hated people, now I think it is a rather trivial affair. I have bigger things to worry about, like how I should feel about Osama bin Laden’s death and how it affects my life or choosing my next Facebook profile picture .

 So, did I watch "The Wedding" ?
-  I don't even like attending weddings of people I actually know in real life. So, bite me.